Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Decarbonization Targets

GHG Inventory Check

To meet the goal of net zero emissions by 2050, MetaAge began to refer to the criteria set in ISO 14064-1 for organizational GHG inventory checks in 2022 and did inventory checks of Category 1 and Category 2 GHGs and also part of Categories 3, 4, and 5, namely, respectively, employee commuting, fuels, and energy production and transport and related investment activities.


Strategy and specific action plan

  • Since 2022, MetaAge has conducted annual organizational greenhouse gas inventories based on the international standard ISO 14064-1. The inventory results undergo third-party verification to ensure data quality
  • Continuously optimize the inventory method and coverage
  • Solar power generation system is enabled
  • Obtained the National Renewable Energy Certificate (T-REC) and increased the renewable energy use ratio
  • Set Category 3 to 6 (Scope 3) carbon reduction targets and gradually increase carbon reduction measures

Decarbonization Goals and Actions

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