JarviX, the augmented analytics and business intelligence platform of Synergies, has recently become very popular in Taiwan, as witnessed by the related reports in major social media (YouTube, Facebook, etc.) and the frequent inquiries from customers. This shows the gigantic drive that motivates businesses to implement digital transformation. How to improve the existing operational performance with existing data and thereby find new operational momentum is a major trend at the moment.
In addition to the powerful JarviX platform, Synergies has also introduced the JarviX Optimization Loop (Figure 1), an augmented analytic methodology to help users maximize the value of data.
Figure 1: JarviX Optimization Loop
The JarviX Optimization Loop consists of three major stages: problem detection (anomaly monitoring/alert), intelligence analysis (data exploration), and decision-making assistance (simulation/prediction/optimization). After users have link the data sources of internal operational systems to the JarviX platform, JarviX will periodically update the data according to the data changes in the data sources to perform ongoing operational management and improvement through the optimization loop. Next, we will show you how JarviX enhances stock management efficiency step by step through the example of materials stock and procurement.
From the war room or application environment of the JarviX platform, materials management or procurement personnel can automatically generate the information board (Figure 2) showing the status and trend of materials stock and procurement costs and define the stock alert conditions and notice recipients based on the company’s needs by asking questions (natural language processing, NLP). After completing the related settings, users can capture the company’s real-time operational status from the information board or the active notices.
Figure 2: Information board of materials stock and procurement
When users want to make a further analysis after receiving an alert notice from JarviX or seeing a specific phenomenon on the information board of the war room, the Intelligence Analysis begins. As shown in Figure 3, when users request JarviX to explore the causes of an increase in materials stock, the platform’s powerful built-in machine learning (ML) algorithm will demonstrate its functions to automatically choose the appropriate algorithm to perform the root cause analysis (RCA) of the question asked by users (as well as association, differentiation and even predictive analytics based on the differences of the questions). Materials management personnel can also quickly understand the factors causing the stock increase and take countermeasures.
Figure 3: RCA of the stock increase in specific materials
After analyzing and capturing the factors causing the stock increase, relevant personnel can start the anomaly correction or performance enhancement stage. The JarviX platform provides real-time simulation for users to verify the changes brought by the different combinations of factors causing the stock increase in JarviX before carrying out any improvement plans in order to find the optimal solution. As shown in Figure 4, administrators can stimulate the procurement and stock of product B with factors including materials stock, related costs, and delivery time. After users have entered the corresponding values for simulation, the system will output the simulation results of the order quantity, required cost, and repurchasing points of that combination to serve as reference in decision-making.
Figure 4: Simulation of materials stock and procurement prediction
Full-range support and ultralow technical thresholds for use are the striking features of the JarviX data analysis platform. Alongside the application scenarios designed according to the optimization loop, users can perform real-time prevention of problems and precise post-hoc handling, as well as assist the business or organization in running top-down or cross-domain data analysis to initiate overall business transformation to ensure sustainable development.