Modern Application

AWS Cloud Hosting and Consulting Services

Cloud Hosting and Consulting Services

MetaAge can provide you with reliable and comprehensive cloud integration services. Whether your original system runs on physical servers, virtual machines, or containers, MetaAge can offer you the most suitable solution.

MetaAge can help you migrate workloads to a secure and highly available AWS cloud platform and assist with hosting service. Allowing you to focus on your own business goals despite of paying attention to maintaining infrastructure needed for your business.


Continuous integration, Delivery and Deployment

MetaAge can provide a series of highly integrated DevOps cloud services to help you build the delivery process of your product, eliminating the need for you to search for right tools and worry about integration issues with different tools. Of course, if you already have tools that you are using and familiar with, MetaAge can also provide the most suitable solution for them.


Version control

By using AWS CodeCommit, you can build your own secure and highly expandable registry that based on Git, also can store your source code and version controlling by yourself.


Build and Test

By customizing settings in AWS CodeBuild, it can build and test your source code in registry.


Product deployment

By using AWS CodeDeploy to deploy your application to different environments automatically, providing various way for your deployment. For example: Canary Deployment, Blue/Green Deployment etc.


Continuous Delivery

AWS CodePipeline integrated all services mentioned, providing an automatic and complete product delivery process. Also integrated Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to trigger events and alerts, for your operators can receive notification in time and working with Developers agilely.


Third party tools integration

If you already using third party source code registry, for example Github, or integration tool, for example Jenkins, MetaAge can also provide you an integrated solution.


Monitoring and Analyzing

By using AWS CloudWatch monitor running instances, providing you a complete visualized logs, metrics, and events etc. Helping you having

better insight of your system and resolving problems.


By setting AWS CloudWatch metrics threshold, you will receive alerts before system having critical problems. Further way, you can integrate Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) automatically announce alerts, help your operators respond in advance. Or integrate AWS Lambda, trigger the predefined working process to respond, let the service handle problems automatically.

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